Purchase 410 BORE Boss Shotshells

410 BORE Boss Shotshells

SKU: 410-BR-master
Legacy Product
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This shell is built according to SAAMI specs. The Turkish semi-auto .410’s have had issues cycling our shells. We have been working diligently with the manufacturer to come up with a solution that allows 100% of the guns to function with 100% of our shells. We suggest the use of these shells in pump, side-by-side, and over/under shotguns only.

  • Call the shop with any questions. 
  • Travels at 1325 fps, lead-free and non-toxic 
  • Obsessively engineered for optimal pattern density and uniformity  
  • Legendary BOSS Moneybag included with bulk packed cases


Shot Size:

Customized products are only available in case quantities for a $25 fee. All custom orders will ship in approximately 2 weeks.

Shipping Ammunition:

Please note that ammo cannot ship to Alaska, Hawaii, NYC and Washington, DC.